European Network of Cultural Centres (ENCC)

FAQ : UP Grants

Published 1 week ago
Faqs Answer 3509503 1920
Are you considering applying to the UP Grants? What’s in it for you? Is your initiative eligible? In this FAQ we will answer all your questions about your application to the UP Grants.
  • I am a cultural centre, can I apply?

Yes, the microgrant scheme is aimed at sociocultural centres (non-profit organisations or public bodies) primarily active in the field of socio-cultural and artistic activities.

  • I am a non-profit organisation that hosts some cultural activities, can I apply?

No, it has to be specifically a sociocultural organisation. It can be for instance a community centre, a socio-cultural centre, a cultural house, an art centre, a cultural association, a folk art centre, etc., as long as it has a strong sociocultural approach with a community outreach programme that empowers people and the local community to have a voice in society through arts and culture.

  • I am an ENCC non-member initiative working with a cultural centre, can I apply?

No, but the cultural centre can apply and submit your initiative. (However, if you are  a member of the ENCC, or in the process of asking for membership, you may apply even if you are an initiative).

  • I am part of a cultural network, can I apply?

No, only cultural organisations that have a physical space which allows them to work closely with and within their communities can apply. (However, if you are a member of the ENCC, or in the process of asking for membership, this criteria does not apply). 

  • My organisation is not an ENCC member, are the terms of participation the same as for ENCC members?

Yes, the microgrant scheme is open to both members and non-members. The winners will be selected through the combination of the results from the online voting and the evaluation of the jury of experts. Yet, the jury will take into account the membership as one of the multiple factors to be considered (i.e. if two applications have the same score of votes, the preference will be given to our member).

  • Can I submit several applications for the same cultural centre?

Yes, each participating organisation is allowed to submit several proposals, also on different strands. However, only one grant maximum per organisation will be awarded.

  • From which countries do you accept applications?

All nonprofit socio-cultural centres located in Europe (respecting Creative Europe Programme geographical eligibility), including the UK, can apply to the UP Grants.

  • What should my cover photo look like?

Your cover photo should have a rectangular format. It will look best with a 13 : 8 ratio, for instance height: 240px and 
width: 390px.  (The upload can be higher pixel rate, as long as the ratio is the same.) Please choose your cover photo with care, it will represent your submission in the voting process.

  • What’s in it for me?

4 selected projects will receive a grant of 3500€. The 4 selected best practices will be showcased on the ENCC website and other ENCC communication channels and invited to join our conference in Riga next June. All ideas will be included in a database and get visibility at national and international levels.

  • What costs are eligible?

All costs related to the implementation of the project are eligible. Please note that money should be spent by 14/11/2024.

  • Is the voting process open to everyone or only ENCC members?

The selection of winners is a combination of an evaluation of a jury of experts and the results of public online voting. The online voting process is open to everyone, so make sure to advertise your initiative and share the contest page with your network(s) and the people around you.

  • Can I apply to the UP Grants if I don’t have time to work on my initiative between now and November 2024?

No. Winning projects will be asked to implement their follow up plan and use the money provided from April to October 2024. A short report on actions implemented with the microgrant, including an invoice and pictures/other supportive materials is expected by the end of November 2024.

  • Where can I read more?

To get more information on the guidelines, review the submissions and apply, go to the ENCC UPgrants contest page.