European Network of Cultural Centres (ENCC)

Resources from Up Scale 2021

Published 5 months ago
Up Scale

In the framework of our 2020-2021 pilot project Seeds of Sustainability (SOS), we gathered good practices and initiatives from cultural centres working on environmental sustainability throughout Europe, from our network and beyond. The call foresaw five different strands:

  • Environmental sustainability

  • Circular economy

  • Social sustainability

  • Sustainable mobility

  • Digital ethics

After thorough assessment, we decided to collaborate with five exemplary projects, one from each strand: you find the detils below. If you are looking for inspiration on how cultural organisations can be advocates of sustainability and help tackle the climate crysis at the local level, you are in the right place.

To discover all the projects that applied and were deemed eligible, browse our Up Scale treasure box here.

PlasticArt, by Circolo Cas'Aupa, Italy

The aim of the project is two-fold. On one hand, the organization wants to inspire local artists to experiment with a relatively new material, recycled plastic. We believe that already-existing plastic has a high potential to be used in the arts field.

On the other hand, Circolo Cas’Aupa wants to raise community awareness on environmental sustainability, and inform the people living in our neighbourhood that a simple act of recycling can be the first step of an artistic creation process. 

A gathering of artists from the region Friuli-Venezia Giulia and international ones is expected to take part in an artistic residency and experiment in our Lab to create art installations and other artistic objects in collaboration with the local school and the local community. 

All the creations produced during the residency will be exposed in the centre Cas’Aupa during the Plasticart Week, a multidisciplinary event taking place this summer including, beside the exhibition, talks on plastic and circular economy, a workshop on upcycling targeting local artisans, and social events like a plastic-free “aperitivi”.

The Duncairn Centre for Environment - Wildflower Weekend, by The Duncairn Centre for Arts and Culture, Ireland

The centre is based in North Belfast, one of the most socially and economically deprived areas of the city. Northern Ireland only recycles around 50% of its waste, littering is widespread in the streets surrounding the Duncairn and the area offers very few green spaces. As things are, it is urgent to take action raising public awareness around these issues and involving the community to create a better future for Belfast urban environment and its dwellers. 

Through our actions and awareness raising programme, we believe that we can play a fundamental role in the community, encouraging people to turn to the circular economy. 

To do so, a Wildflower Weekend is planned. During the weekend, the local community will come together to participate in creative workshops. Participants will be able to explore the circular economy, plant a wildflower meadow and herb garden on our grounds, and get their stuff repaired and upcycled at the Repair Café and workshops.


MOCI - Mobile Open Culture Innovation Hub, by 7 Arte, Kosovo

MOCI Platform aims to connect rural, cultural and social actors in the Balkans to share and exchange knowledge, to co-create open educational resources in local languages, accessible for everyone. 

Our open resources will be focused on the fields of sustainable placemaking, environmental actions, community engagement methods on local levels as well as cultural and artistic tools for everyone.

Additionally, the platform gives space to rural and cultural actors to expose themselves and their works to a decentralized audience, overcoming digital and physical divides and creating rural-urban linkages as well as cross-border exchange of best practices and solutions for shared challenges and needs.

Website :

The House of Klajn, by The House Collective, Croatia

For this project, collective has been collaborating with local municipalities, partner associations, NGOs, and individual community members to develop a long-term initiative for managing the future of the House of Klajn cultural centre. The goal is to create a community-driven cultural and art residence centre, such as activating local craftspeople, initiatives, and individuals with whom they aim to create a sustainable life cycle of the centre. 

The next phase focuses on developing strategies and models for including the community in the further development of the centre. Community involvement is crucial throughout the three developmental phases, resulting in the opening of an inclusive space for creation, performance, education, and living. 

In May 2021, the centre is organising a workshop with young architects and urbanists titled ‘From the House's Perspective'. Workshop participants will explore new identities of the centre, based on its past, its importance in the community, and its future operating models in relationship with the citizens of Klanjec, Croatia. 

The general goal is to create a framework for the community to be involved in all three main phases of co-creation of the House, from defining the aim to proposing the method to evaluating the results. 



Centrala Cycle, by the Polish Expats Association (Centrala), UK

Centrala Cycles is a project promoting mobility improvements within the migrant community, with a strong focus on Central and Eastern European groups which are marginalised and isolated in the UK. 

The organization wants to offer a 3-step project to promote cycling. The first step is creating an informative and visually exciting map of cycling routes connecting Centrala and other art venues in central Birmingham. A lot of them are alongside the canals, which will give participants the opportunity to engage with local natural resources in a very post-industrial city landscape. 

The second step is commissioning a visual campaign with a series of cycling-related graphics, which will then be shared through our social media.

The final step will be programming a series of bike rides and bike maintenance workshops.