European Network of Cultural Centres (ENCC)

Up Grants 2022: meet our winners

Published 9 months ago
118 Dsc 4898
The winners of our 2022 Up Grants contest for sustainability and innovation in cultural centres have been announced during an awards ceremony at our Make Space for the Future international meeting in Turin, Italy.

The prize consists in a 3,500 € grant they can use to boost their initiatives and inspire others. They discussed their projects with the conference participants during a World Café that took place right after the awards ceremony.

To discover all the projects that applied, check out our UP Grants treasure box here!

A heartfelt thank you to the 7,852 voters who visited our website to support their favourite projects, as well as to our jury of experts! Thanks also to Fondazione Compagnia di San Paolo for sponsoring the UP Grants scheme and the Make Space for the Future event.

Here are our winners: 

Strand 1 - Focus 1: Education and Awareness Raising

Materia by La Capagrossa (contact person: Giorgia Floro,

  • MATERIA intends to build a point of territorial reference for training, research and small prototyping in the context of 3d making and sustainable design, with a focus on the reuse of plastics.The entire community of Ruvo di Puglia is involved in a process of collecting plastic wastes which are then used in laboratories dedicated to children and adults. The aim is to realise and produce a city gadget made of 100% recycled plastic that can represent the city.

More on Materia here:

Rifiò by Educadora ONLUS (contact person: Alessandro Zianni,

  • Rifiò collects vegetables that are no longer suitable for human consumption and uses them to regenerate plants that, with their flowers, provide food for pollinators; thanks to the regenerated plants we are creating a pollinators' garden in Cecchi Point Multicultural Hub courtyard and distributing plants in reused plastic boxes to the people of the neighbourhood.

More on Rifiò here:


Strand 1 -  Focus 2: Arts and Sustainability

Esseri Reciproci by Banda Larga APS (contact person: Lorenzo Ricca,

  • Esseri Reciproci is an educational path consisting of workshops, public talks, music performances and an artistic installation held across the city of Turin between July and October 2022 in order to engage the inhabitants of cultural centres - workers and regulars - and reach a broader local audience. We believe multidisciplinarity is a key element in raising awareness of current environmental issues. By bringing together artists, scientists and environmental activists we want to encourage the community of our cultural centres to act in their context.

More on Esseri Reciproci here:

Le Jardin by La Station - Gare des Mines (contact person: Gilia Bataille,

  • Le Jardin combines composting and gardening spaces, and works for an urban (agri)culture, creative and productive of social links. This project, led by cultural professionals, associations, and young exiles, benefits from its position at the crossroads of Porte d\'Aubervilliers to extend its circularity to the northeast of Île-de-France.   It will be as much a vector of development for the inhabitants and a local productive ecosystem, as a cultural project of awareness and emancipation, fully integrated into the programming of the place.

More on Le Jardin here:

Stage-to-Table by Il Laboratorio C.T.M. A.P.S. (contact person: Yassmina Dhouaieb,

  • Il Laboratorio C.T.M. A.P.S. is a social promotion association focused on fostering social equality through culture. Active in two urban areas of Turin, Italy, Il Laboratorio aims at realising the complete growth circle of the artist. Inspired by “farm-to-table” concept, Stage-to-table is a one day event celebrating food preparation and conscientious eating for body and mind. 

More on Il Laboratorio here:

Strand 2 -  Focus 1: Organising an Event

Slowfest (contact person: David Carroll,

  • Slowfest is a project that aims to tackle environmental issues through culture and tourism, by taking into account economic aspects, as well as the well-being of the participants of a 1-month regional tour in green mobility. Since 2015, Slowfest has been experimenting with new ecological and less energy-consuming ways of producing events. Together with 7 cultural centres in New Aquitaine, from La Rochelle to Bordeaux, we aim to design and implement an experimental low carbon tour (by bike, train), in order to inspire the organisation of future eco-designed touring events.

More on Slowfest here:

Strand 2 - Focus 2: Managing a Socio-cultural Centre

Peri Viou sociocultural centre (contact person: Sotirios Karagiotas:

  • Active since 2013, Peri Viou is a sociocultural centre based in Karditsa, Greece. The project aims at creating a safe environment & uniting people with different sociocultural backgrounds. The centre provides an aesthetically pleasing space to host projects and events. This space is also home to their “open to all” garden.

More on Peri Viou here:

Sant'Eligio Connection by Soluzioni Artistiche APS | l'ARTeficiO APS : Stefano Bernardi :

  • The Sant’Eligio Connection project is aimed at a central urban suburb of Turin overlooked by l’ARTeficIO Cultural Centre: the Sant’Eligio block. Sant'Eligio CONNECTION launches a strategic reflection on the regeneration of public space by integrating Tactical Urbanism actions with participatory cultural productions with the involvement of local stakeholders (citizens, schools, Groups and Associations) and non-resident Italian and foreign artists hosted in artist residences.

More on Sant’Eligio Connection here:


The next round of UP Grants will open in 2024. Follow us on social media or subscribe to our newsletter to stay informed.