European Network of Cultural Centres (ENCC)

Manifesto: culture for shared, smart, innovative territories

Published 5 months ago
simple drawing of landscape
Our Crowd-Sourced Manifesto is the result of a 4-year consultation process with over 100 stakeholders.

This Manifesto was used as a background and source for our later joint policy paper on non-urban culture, Beyond the Urban. It got final edits from our Working Group on non-urban culture in 2020.

'We are cultural stakeholders from 22 European countries[...] The inputs were gathered at the ENCC conference, Culture for Shared, Smart, Innovative Territories in Oleśnica (Poland) in 2016 and Artistic Processes and Cultural Participation-New Perspectives for Rural Development in Hildesheim (Germany) in 2017; on the ENCC crowdsourced manifesto dedicated interactive online platform, and from the ENCC Working Group on non-urban culture (2018-20).

We believe there are steps to be followed on the European, member state, and local levels to foster social participation, innovation, inclusion, accessibility, and cooperation [...]'

Download the full text here

The image is an illustration by Lucy Perineau