European Network of Cultural Centres (ENCC)


Explora, the Children's Museum of Rome

Contacts project aims to develop a process of engaging museum and cultural centre audiences through a dedicated communication campaign. The project follows the work already started by the museum with the project For All (, which involved a network of organisations, associations and individuals in contributions such as articles or interviews related to accessibility and inclusion in cultural venues.

Contacts is a project that aims to provide key contents to understand today's society which, as heterogeneous, has differentiated needs. Cultural centres and museums have already started to upgrade their visitor systems in recent years, opting for a more inclusive perspective.

Contacts is an invitation to act and react to achieve social equity and envisages a 12-month communication campaign, which will take shape through content such as in-depth articles and interviews for the column TU per TU. The project will be able to provide testimonials and experiences, reflections and intentions that turn into support and teaching for the entire community. The column puts people at the centre of communication and is at the heart of the Contacts project communication plan as it gives voice to people who actively react to contexts where it is difficult to be included.

The column seeks to bridge a cultural gap that often leads to stereotypes and clichés, overcoming them through knowledge and first-hand accounts, and inviting all cultural venues to share experiences and good practices. The project is a shared action on awareness of problems and challenges, with shared objectives and a focus on individual responsibility.

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