Introducing JuST
2025 marked the end of CUBE and the beginning of our new framework project JuST: Socio-cultural Centres for Just Sustainability Transitions, co-funded by the Creative Europe networks strand, which will last from January 2025 until December 2028, spanning 48 months.
This new project is the result of an intense work of cooperation between the office, our members, and a series of old and new partners in the socio-cultural sector.
Why JuST?
JuST is an acronym that stands for Just Sustainability Transitions. The project stems from and is in direct continuity with the work we carried out during CUBE, and specifically with our Research on Just Sustaiability from the Heart of Communities.
How will JuST unfold?
JuST will develop across four main axes, which correspond to the priorities we set in our 2021-2025 strategic plan:
Networking and cooperation;
Capacity building and advice to professionals;
Advocacy and representation of the sector;
Policy analysis and development.
Each year will be dedicated to a different thematic priority:
In 2025, we will work on promoting the cultural participation of marginalised groups, with a specific focus on young people, and from an intersectional perspective;
2026 will be the year of digitalisation and democracy. We will look at sociocultural centres as spaces for offline and online democratic participation and political expression;
In 2027, we will strive to promote the creation of a supportive ecosystem for culture and cultural professionals, and strengthen their role in society;
And 2028 will be the year of sustainability for and through culture: we will look at how to achieve more resilient and sustainable societies, with a focus on global alliances.
All this will be implemented through a blend of diverse activities, spanning from research to our flagship training, cascade funding and advocacy programmes, to new actions such as the creation of a podcast series.
Do you want to learn more about JuST? Watch the recording of the online info session here.
In more technical terms, the project will consist of 7 work packages (WP):
WP1 is dedicated to project management, monitoring and evaluation.
WP7 focuses on project communication and dissemination.
All other WP are thematic and encompass a blend of networking, training initiatives, representation of the socio-cultural sector's interests, and policy analysis:
WP2 is tailored for socio-cultural professionals and artists.
WP3, Culture for the People, gathers activities aimed at enhancing cultural participation and the role of culture in society.
WP4, Culture for the Planet, focuses on the construction of more resilient and sustainable societies.
In WP5, Culture for Co-creative Partnerships, the focus is on activities dedicated to establishing sustainable partnerships on an equal footing.
WP6 is titled Digital ethics for culture, and critically analyses opportunities and challenges for the socio-cultural sector driven by the digital transformation.