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Centrum Kultury i Inicjatyw Obywatelskich

The Centre for Culture and Civic Initiatives in Podkowa Leśna
Leśna, Poland

This centre is a place where the inhabitants of Podkowa Leśna can meet. Podkowa Leśna, a small town 30 kilometres south-west of Warsaw, is a Garden City [to find out more about the topic, see 'Nature Meets Culture: Poland’s Garden Cities' or check out this wiki about the Garden City movement]. Its mission is to strengthen the local community by inspiring, supporting grassroots activities and cultural education of the inhabitants of Podkowa, so that they consciously participate in culture and contribute to their "little homeland". Therefore, they work with local partners such as cultural and educational institutions, NGOs, parishes, volunteers, informal groups, local leaders, and individuals. People not only participate in the proposed activities, but create their own activities, e.g. during its flagship event "Open Gardens Festival". They try to guarantee that the activities they propose empower the development of potential for everyone, regardless of individual artistic or other abilities. They are open to dialogue and discussion, because culture is a great platform to build bridges over divisions. Some examples of their activities: Open Generation University (a comprehensive offer for seniors)  Cinema and Outdoor Cinema Project — Classical and jazz concerts — European Heritage Days  Congress of Polish Garden Cities  Presentation of the work of local artists — Promotion of local cultural heritage related to Podkowa Leśna and its history and the Garden City movement — etc.

Centrumkultury Poland Member

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