Barrier-Free Library
The project involves improving the conditions for people with disabilities to visit the Central City Library at 23 Voskresenska Street in accordance with international standards.
The project will include:
Arrangement of the entrance area to the building: installation of guides for visually impaired people, production of a sign with tactile letters and Braille, a staff call button, an anti-slip indicator bar for stairs, and an abrasive anti-slip tape for the ramp.
Making a mnemonic diagram for orientation to the library departments and the general plan of the building.
Arrangement of the building's lobby: tactile indicators of the direction of movement and floor stops, tactile pictogram sign in Braille to indicate a barrier-free toilet.
Organising visits to the library for groups of visitors with visual and musculoskeletal disorders.
The relevance of the project in the city of Dnipro located in the frontline zone is extremely important. The need for social rehabilitation of military personnel with disabilities: The city of Dnipro accepts hundreds of military personnel with different levels of disability for treatment and rehabilitation.
The project,which aims to integrate these people into cultural life through library resources and other services,will significantly support their social adaptation and improve their emotional state, facilitate recovery from war trauma and reintegration into society.In addition, there is an increase in the number of war-affected civilians.