European Network of Cultural Centres (ENCC)

Let’s Connect!

Becej Youth Association

"Let's Connect!" fosters intergenerational bonds to combat ageism. Through 6 workshops and a final event, it promotes understanding beyond stereotypes. Youth engage in art, body expression, and workshop creation, culminating in collaborative workshops with the elderly and a final showcase. By emphasising compassion and inclusion, the project cultivates belonging and personal growth, benefiting all participants' mental well-being and social cohesion.

"Let’s Connect!" is a project aiming to demonstrate how intergenerational connections can reduce the risk of ageism through face-to-face interactions, helping people see beyond stereotypes. It aims to raise awareness of how including the elderly in our activities can positively affect personal growth, learning, social cohesion, emotional support, health, and overall mental wellbeing.

The project consists of six workshops and one final event. The first three workshops are exclusively for youth:

1. Art - Paint my emotions

2. Body – Expressive flow

3. Create to co-create – using gained knowledge, youth create playful workshops for seniors.

The remaining workshops (4, 5, and 6) focus on co-creating connections with the elderly.

The final event, Connection, will include participants of all ages showcasing their co-creations through art, photos, and videos. It will be open to anyone from our local community interested in attending, witnessing, listening, and supporting. The audience will be encouraged to engage in open discussion.

We believe this project is of crucial importance due to its core values and message: As humans, we all deeply need to feel heard, and seen, and to have a sense of belonging. So, Let’s connect! - Let compassion drive us forward!

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