Letters for the future, living archives of women on the move
Colonial History of slavery in Latin America by European colonists during 4 centuries have brought consequences to our time. European conquers' annihilated natural resources and populations. This historical weight is still present in Latin American nations, in their poverty and conflicted political systems.
People leave to Europe, looking for better opportunities of work, dignity and support for their families. Most of them are women. The reality they find is not that ideal. What are the real odds to find decent jobs in countries like Spain and Germany, being a female migrant or refugee? Under which conditions they are in many occasions "pushed" to work? Which are the stereotypes accompanying them? Which are the work and integration policies for migrants in Europe? Can we still talk about colonisation when we look at the work rights situation?
From the letters written by 15 migrant women in Spain and Germany, we create a virtual platform/exhibition/forum with diverse materials (audios, visuals, interviews, laws, personal texts) with the letters as a centre, intimately related to their personal perspective about work, migration, integration and social rights. The goal is to build a growing-in-time community together. A space for us.