European Network of Cultural Centres (ENCC)

Vidar Puppeteer Theatre for Autistic Children

Waldorf Society -Serbia

Vidar theatre is a concept for making custom made scenography and puppets for theatre plays for children and youth with autism. This concept builds focus and draws kids attention to the scene, making them part of interactive play, helping them to get to neuro balance. Choice of fairy tales, the voices of narrators and movements of puppets that are specially designed influence developing communication tools, speech and eye contact. Background music on live instruments has a calming effect.

Everyone deserves to have possibilities to enjoy theatre. It's a common situation that autistic kids are having sensory overload at regular theatre setups, because of the bright lighting, loudness of background music or invasive colourful scenography that can cause neuro brake.

Vidar theatre wants to provide custom made puppeteer plays for autistic kids with carefully made scenography that has special lights, also handmade puppets that are designed through the art therapy method (each character has a colour with specific emotion and meaning) which is part of non-verbal communication. Narrator is an experienced and trained person with specific education and voice skills that are calming and dynamic enough to provide connection between audience and the story. Important part of the play is live music, played on flauta or lira, providing a new layer of theatre experience for autistic people.

The idea of Vidar theatre team is to connect parental NGOs dealing with autism, local authorities of targeted regions in Serbia, Schools, daycare centres for kids with autism and holiday resorts in nature specialised for children, to implement regular offers for this young audience to enjoy theatre experience. Vidar theatre gives these children the possibility to have experience which will help their senses of sight and hearing not to be hurt but nurtured.

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