European Network of Cultural Centres (ENCC)

Visions for the Future: First brainstorm

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The first in a cyle of three brainstorms designed to discuss challenges and share ideas on the socio-cultural centre of the future.

Looking forward into the future: do you have a clear vision of where you are headed? Are you curious to know how socio-cultural centres across Europe tackle this question? Then join ‘Visions for the Future’, a trajectory of three online brainstorms to collectively prepare for the future. Visions for the Future is part of FULCRUM: skills development for future-proof socio-cultural centres, a three-year Erasmus+ project designed for workers and volunteers within the socio-cultural sector.

Browse the FULCRUM webpage here


With Visions for the Future, we want to imagine possible futures for socio-cultural centres together. Visions for the future is about making time and creating a safe space to learn from the present and reflect on a more sustainable future, as well as laying the groundwork for action.

The socio-cultural sector in Europe is facing big challenges (increasing social inequalities and climate change just to name a few) that also put pressure on cultural workers. At the same time, a lot of inspirational and innovative practices try to achieve a more socially and ecologically sustainable future. The need to join forces and to learn from other experiences is ever growing, but individually we sometimes lack the courage to start.

Is this for me?

These brainstorms are open to anyone who volunteers or works at/with a (socio-)cultural centre that is a member of the FULCRUM networks: ENCC (Europe), ACC (Belgium), SozioKultur (Germany), IG Kultur (Austria), Dire Fare Baciare (Italy), cult! (Belgium), ACCE(Estonia) and ALCC(Latvia). 

Cultural workers from centres of any size or shape, who are motivated to share insights and experiences on their contexts, obstacles and lessons learned are welcome to join. We invite everyone to make their mark on a collective vision for the future. Your voice should be heard. Come as you are!


With the expertise of ENCC researcher Anna Maria Ranczakowska and the FULCRUM partners, we will try to envision a future for the socio-cultural sector. During this process, we will use design thinking techniques to move from abstract thoughts to obtainable and concrete ideas. By the end of the trajectory, we will co-create an outline of the most important challenges and opportunities for the future from a human, ecological, economic and social perspective. Our goal is to help you develop a long-term action plan and strategy for your socio-cultural centre.

Together with colleagues from all over Europe, we will form an online safe space to share, connect and transform your vision of the future.

Access to these brainstorms is completely free, the only required investment is some of your time. There is no preparation needed.

First brainstorm: mapping the present

The first brainstorm of the cycle focused on a collective mapping, starting from open questions such as "What is happening in the world right now?"; "How are these events impacting us and our organisations?"; "How can we take more ownership of the future?"; "How are our experiences similar or different from those of other centres outside of our regions?"

(brainstorms two and three are planned for the beginning and end of 2025).

The picture is a courtesy of cult!. The author is Gil Placquet.

  • Read the report from the first brainstorm here