European Network of Cultural Centres (ENCC)

Osservatorio Museale Regionale

Università degli Studi della Campania Luigi Vanvitelli
The Regional Museum Observatory was set up as a platform for monitoring the performance of the Campania Region's cultural institutions. After an initial phase of data collection and processing, the Observatory now aims to extend its reach to all the cultural venues in the south of Italy. The ultimate goal is to create a single platform where each museum can have its own dedicated public page and personal area for entering data useful for the periodic survey. Data and networking are the keywords.

The Regional Museum Observatory was born as a university research project. Its first objective has been to monitor the performance of Campania's cultural institutions. After an initial development conducted by the research team of the University Luigi Vanvitelli, the Observatory has collected over 25500 data on the performance of cultural venues. The declared objective is to extend the activity monitoring area to all cultural institutes in southern Italy, which are forgotten and off the radar of the main national cultural activities.

In order to carry out the monitoring and the promotion of the activities of southern Italian museums in the best possible way, it is necessary to develop a multifunctional web platform capable of structuring a network between all southern cultural institutes. Each museum mapped by the Observatory will have a page open to the public with all the information on the activities carried out, the services and the modalities of use of the exhibition spaces; in addition, all the participating museums will have a private area where they can enter the data required for the annual monitoring of the activities and services available, following a grid already tested by the Vanvitelli research team. This platform, therefore, will offer a centralised digital ecosystem for data collection (necessary for academic research) as well as public space for the promotion of the activities carried out and the small and medium cultural venues of southern Italy.

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