European Network of Cultural Centres (ENCC)

Inclusion and Accessibility in Socio-cultural Centres

We invite you to apply to participate in our new working group dedicated to inclusion and accessibility in socio-cultural centres.

What is it about?

We believe in the principles of inclusion, diversity and the right to participation. We have been working on diversity and inclusion for many years, with a specific focus on disability. In 2019-20, we decided to highlight equality as a central topic for our network (see the Inspired by Diversity project and our commitment for equality). Starting from this, we decided to focus on socio-cultural centres and their ability to stimulate diversity, inclusion and community engagement and be catalysts of change within local communities. Cultural centres are multi-functional institutions, meaning they provide equal opportunity for both the passive and active participation of each  citizen of a particular community.

The working group on Inclusion and Accessibility in Socio-cultural Centres aims to be a trans-sectoral platform that will critically and openly discuss and develop tools and recommendations on the following topics:

  • Reaching diverse audiences and giving visibility to different under-represented groups;

  • Reviewing accessibility from a disability perspective;

  • Monitoring equality and diversity;

  • Identifying barriers to participation for under-represented groups; 

  • Reviewing equality and diversity criteria in boards and management teams;

  • Analysing inclusion and accessibility policies.

Who can participate?

The call is open to representatives of the cultural and creative sectors and other relevant sectors (professional organisations, non-governmental organisations, European networks, foundations, think tanks, private organisations, etc.) with interest and relevant expertise on the topic of inclusion and accessibility in arts and culture.

For more information

The working group is open and will welcome new participants throughout its duration. If you wish to take part, please fill in the dedicated application form. The group is facilitated by diversity, equity and inclusion consultant Sophie Dowden.

For more information, contact Sara at